Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Cancer
1. What is the purpose of the cancer incidence study?
The purpose of the study is to determine whether residential or workplace exposures to the camp lejeune water contamination are associated with increased risks of specific cancers in Marines/Navy personnel and civilian employees.
2. Who is being studied?
The study includes Marines/Naval personnel who began service during 1975-1985 and were stationed at Camp Lejeune anytime during this period. Civilian employees who worked anytime during October 1972 through December 1985 are also being studied. A comparison group from Camp Pendleton is included in the study. Pendleton did not have drinking water contaminated with volatile organic compounds.
3. Why does this study only include Marines/Navy personnel who began service during 1975-1985 and workers employed at Camp Lejeune and Camp Pendleton during 1972-1985?
Drinking water contamination began in the 1950s. However, personnel data necessary to determine base location are not available prior to these years. The most heavily contaminated wells were shut down in 1985. Findings from this study will also apply to people who were exposed to contaminated drinking water at Lejeune before the study years.
4. How will you get information on the cancers?
Information on cancers will be obtained from data linkage with federal and state cancer registries. Study subjects will be not be contacted.
5. When will the study results be available?
Cancer incidence studies are very complex and involve working with state and federal cancer registries. We plan to work with as many state cancer registries as possible because study subjects live all over the country. Because of the level of effort needed, we expect it to take at least 5 years before the study is completed and results are available.
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